Helping You Support & Retain Employees
In The Sandwich Generation
An innovative wellbeing benefit
that shows you care about your carers and helps you retain your skilled workforce.

A Well Rounded Wellbeing Proposition
Your workforce is getting older. These employees (45 years +) bring knowledge, experience and loyalty to your business, helping it grow.
They are also part of the growing sandwich generation.
1.3 million are feeling the squeeze with the new and daunting responsibility of caring for their elderly parents, on top of daily life.
The pandemic has exacerbated this. Suddenly elderly caregiving has become even more challenging, time consuming and mentally exhausting.
And they are leaving the workplace prematurely to look after their parents.
Our solution supports and retains your workforce by understanding their needs and offering relevant and targeted training.
Sandwich Generation Support:
The Essential Guide To Caring For Ageing Parents
Created by a caregiver and a physiotherapist specialising in elderly rehabilitation, this practical online course educates and empowers carers.
Saving them time, stress, heartache – and the need to leave work.

Practical Guidance & Support On:
Coping as a carer, with a focus on emotional wellbeing
What to do if you think your parent has dementia
Falls prevention and safe guarding the house
Staying active and well
What to do if your parent wants to keep driving
Understanding care options, moving out of the family home and how to pay for care
Planning ahead, power of attorney and the information you need to know from your parents
+ much more
What You Receive