April 2021

Online pharmacy delivery

The Online Pharmacy Delivery Service You Need To Know About

The Online Pharmacy Delivery Service You Need To Know About How many hours have you spent sorting your, or your elderly parent’s medication? Have you ever thought there must be an easier way? Well now there is. PillTime is the free online pharmacy delivery service working in partnership with the NHS to bring prescriptions to …

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Elderly woman with dementia receiving hand massage

Dementia And The Benefits Of Hand Massage For Sensory Stimulation

Dementia And The Benefits Of Hand Massage For Sensory Stimulation Over 850,000 people in the UK are living with dementia. My husband’s grandma had vascular dementia, and it’s likely you know someone living with the disease. Dementia changes how we communicate with our loved ones, and sensory stimulation (engaging the senses in natural and creative …

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